Choosing the period of your visit to Madagascar depends on what you want to see and do, and also your personal interests, keeping in mind the weather and climate for the time of year in your chosen destinations.
If you are keen on bird-watching, the best period is from September to November.
If you want to see lemurs with their babies on their belly, visit from September to November (most Lemurs can be seen throughout the year except for some species that hibernate during the winter period).
If you love to see plants blossoming, September to November is the time to visit.
If you would like to see the Hump backed whale, best to come between July and September
If you like a cooler temperature and weather June to August will be ideal for your visit.
If you don’t wish to visit Madagascar when it’s crowded with tourists, the low season from January to March is recommended, however if it’s during the rainy and/or cyclone season, your trip has to be more flexible.
If you would like to experience some of the Malagasy celebrations and traditions such as Malagasy new year, the Famadihana or turning of the bones (July to September), Sambatra (a ritual circumcision of the Antambahoaka men occurring every seven years), Fitampoha or the ancestor’s bath (a ceremony of Sakalava tribe occurring every five years), you will need to arrange your trip to coincide with the period of the celebration.