04Days / 03Nights in Andasibe

04Days / 03Nights in Andasibe

From the 17th of February till the 20th of February, one of our guests will spend 04days to Andasibe.

Location: 145kms east from the capital city on the RN2 (approximately 04hr to 05hrs)

Highlights: beautiful highland landscape along the drive (scenery daily life of the local people); Andasibe rainforest: wildlife observation (including the biggest living lemur called Indri Indri); bird watching, orchids lovers will be delighted at this period; getting close to lemur at the Vakona Lemur Island.

Different site that can be visited during your stay there:

1- Analamazaotra rainforest (02kms from the main village of Andasibe): home of the biggest lemur the Indri Indri. Walk is easy to difficult (depending on which trails you take).

This is one of the best site to see the Indri. Other lemur species dwells as well in this forest including the Diademed Sifaka, the common brown lemur, grey bamboo lemur, red bellied lemur and    with chance you may spot during the day time the woolly lemur sleeping in tree twigs.  Various endemic birds species can be seen along your visits including couas, vangas, tetraka, asity, nightjar… The forest is home of various orchids species as well

2- Mantadia primary forest (21kms from the main village of Andasibe): road access is really bad (01h30mn drive at least to reach the forest depending on the state of the road)

Level of walk is easy to difficult (depending on which trail you take).  All lemurs and birds found at Analamazaotra can be seen at this forest and in addition is the Black and white ruffed lemur but which differs them to each other is that trees are bigger, taller and older. It’s a little bit a challenge to find the lemurs, but the site is one of the best to see endemic birds as the pitta like ground rollers, scaly ground rollers, short legged ground rollers, pigmy king fisher, …….

3- VOIMMA & MITSINJO forests: these two forests are nearby the Analamazaotra forest and both managed by the local guide’s Association. The forest are offering a multitude of wildlife observation also as well as plants, insects, amphibians and reptiles.

4- Maromizaha forest: This 100-sq-km ecotourism reserve, about 8km from Analamazaotra forest, and is more the preserve of scientists and researchers than tourists and it offers a genuine wilderness experience. The area is home to 14 somewhat elusive and only partially habituated lemur species, including diademed sifakas and black-and-white ruffed lemurs, Indri-Indri.

Level walk is easy to difficult.

5- Vakona reserve: it’s a combination of two sites, one is the lemur island that offers you an opportunity to be very close to lemurs and the second is a crocodile farms.

During your stay in Andasibe, nocturnal visit is organised either along the main road that crossing the forest or inside of the forest of the local Guide’s association. Along your night visit, you may have the chance to see nocturnal lemur species as the Goodman’s mouse lemur, sportive lemur, dwarf lemur, woolly lemur, chameleons, frogs, leaf tailed geckoes and could many other surprises.




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